Dog Training In 21 Days
This is a 21 day series which will give you some ideas for things you can do with your dog that will get them excited about learning and will get you starting to flex your dog training muscles.
Day 1: What's your dog's hundred dollar bill?
Day 2: Teach Your Dog To Draw
Day 3: Capture 50 Awesome Things
Day 4: Teach a Nose Lick
Day 5: Teach Look (Part 1 of 2)
Day 6: Teaching Look (Part 2 of 2)
Day 7: Teach Sit With A Snap
Day 8: Bounce Your Dog Between Two Spots
Day 9: Teach A Hand Touch
Day 10: Teach "Down" with a hand signal
Day 11: Train "Find It"
Day 12: The Elevator Game
Day 13: The Stay Game
Day 14: Teach "Drop It" Super Quickly
Day 15: Muzzle Training
Day 16: Relaxation Protocol
Day 17: Teach "Stand"
Day 18: Teaching your dog where to walk
Day 19: Touching an object
Day 20: The Paw Touch
Day 21: Shaping to paper